When first starting your journey to medical marijuana, you will be met with a long list of cannabis benefits. While there are some widely reported ailments that marijuana topicals have been known to treat, it doesn’t just end there. There are plenty of other reasons for you to try cannabis tinctures.
Here are the top 10 lesser known benefits of cannabis so you can start treating yourself at home.
1. Reducing Seizures
CBD oils and tinctures are making news lately with the way they productively help to reduce seizures. Sometimes it just takes a drop under the tongue to help calm the mind and the body. This is because the special chemical compound helps to calm the nerve endings and the receptors in the brain that cause seizures.
2. Arthritis
Marijuana topicals are perfect for treating arthritis. These topicals can be used as a lotion to be applied directly to the joints where the pain occurs. This way you can better specifically target sore joints. This is the best alternative for patients who are wary about smoking marijuana for relief.
3. Sexual Pleasure
The benefits of cannabis don’t always have to medical. Recreational use of marijuana has some amazing lifestyle benefits as well. One way that people are enjoying marijuana is in the form of cannabis lube. The THC in this special lube not only enhances sexual pleasure but can also help keep the party going longer.
4. Skin Irritations
Marijuana topicals work great to help relieve some mild skin problems. This is especially true when it comes to bug bites. The CBD found in topicals not only reduces itching and pain but will also help with inflammation and redness. You can even use marijuana topicals are a potent antibacterial for open wounds.
5. Muscle Soreness
There is nothing better than relaxing your tight muscles with a gentle massage. But, did you know that you can make it better by introducing cannabis oil into the mix? A topical that is high in CBD can help loosen up the muscles quicker. Afterwards, you will feel relaxed while also have some super soft skin.
6. Inflammation
Arthritis isn’t the only culprit when it comes to getting older. From hand to knee inflammation, it seems like everything starts to break down at the end of the day. However, you have a friend in marijuana topicals. Marijuana has always been known as a natural anti-inflammatory. Using marijuana topicals to fight inflammation is your first line of defense against body aging.
7. Treats Mild Burns
Nothing hurts more than a burn. The constant dulling pain is too much for many people to live with. A lightweight cannabis oil treatment will help with the surface pain of a burn. But, it does much more than that. Cannabis oil will actually help the burn to heal faster so you can sooner get on with your life.
8. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is one of the more difficult skin problems to treat. To constant itching and flaking can be embarrassing and extremely uncomfortable. Many sufferers are turning to marijuana topicals for instant relief. Topicals can help reduce redness and flaking and help to soften the skin. Best of all, it will reduce the painful itching.
9. Tooth and Mouth Pain
Sometimes there is nothing more painful than the brain-numbing tooth pain. This is where a great cannabis tincture can come in handy. You can add a couple drops under your tongue or directly on the problematic tooth. The CBD in the cannabis oil will reduce swelling and pain. You can even use a THC dominate tincture to help you sleep the pain off.
10. Hives
One of the most genius ways to use marijuana topicals is to surround you complete with their healing benefits. Luxury topicals are becoming all the rage among the cannabis community. It doesn’t always stop at topicals or tinctures either. Bath items infused with cannabis oil are the best way to unwind while also treating problems like hives. A strong THC bath bomb or bath salts will soothe irritated and red skin while allowing your body to relax.
Final Thoughts
Marijuana topicals and tinctures no longer are reserved for common problems. Every day it seems like a new study is done about the amazing benefits of cannabis. From treating skin problems to muscle pain, cannabis is the way to go. The one benefit that surprised many patients is the first aid properties of marijuana. But, when you think about it, it isn’t that farfetched. Not only is cannabis an anti-inflammatory, it is also a great anti-bacterial. So next time skip the aspirin and lotion and head to your marijuana dispensary to buy topicals. Your body will thank you.
Oh Great.. Thats the amazing benefits of cannabis.