Effects of Cannabis on the Developing Brain

Effects of Cannabis on the Developing Brain

Decades-long prohibition wreaked untold havoc on cannabis and its reputation. Claims of it negatively affecting the brain prove unfounded, that it kills brain cells, causes brain damage even. Turns out, this is blatantly untrue, with new conflicting evidence that proves the lie. Studies already show how the phytocannabinoids in cannabis relieve a myriad of health issues. They also boost brain development.

As new evidence emerges, weed delivery is growing ever more popular. Studies are clear: Cannabis can play an important role in neurogenesis, or the growth of new brain cells. In fact, recent data cements the many benefits of marijuana, providing crucial analysis into its effects on concentration issues, such as hyperactivity, attention-deficit disorder, as well as cognitive function, and yes, neurogenesis.

Understanding Neurogenesis

The process of neurogenesis involves the growth of new neurons. It is a frequent and necessary occurrence, one science believes responsible for vast improvement in cognitive function, particularly with learning and memory. Neurogenesis is happening in the womb already, before it even births you. It continues into infancy and is especially important during childhood. It never ends, though. Ever.

When you mature into adulthood, neurogenesis occurs within the sub-ventricular area of your brain. The sub-granular zone lives in this area too, and it helps to line lateral ventricles. The sub-granular area is very important, responsible for differentiating between similar memories and spatial orientation. As a result, neurogenesis happens often, and it is the reason for turning over a high cell count.

Neurogenesis is vital to survival of the human brain. It is paramount to development of the brain and lifelong cognitive function, from conception until death. This data led scientists to analyzing the human lifecycle. It might help show us how to treat mental disorders and drug addictions going forward. New neurons regenerate all processes, not just memory and learning. They also improve mood and kill stress.

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Neurogenesis and Cannabis

Neurogenesis starts its process in the endocannabinoid system, or ECS. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the ECS is what facilitates the growth of neurons. When this system goes awry, malfunctions in some way, then it triggers your brain to undergo significant changes too. For example, a weakened ECS is common in patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases.

This is where marijuana delivery becomes especially important. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, activates endocannabinoid receptor CB1 in the brain and nervous systems. It actually stimulates healthy neurogenesis to occur once again. What is more, this effect stops neuro-inflammation, as well, which is a huge trigger for neurodegenerative diseases.

THC and other cannabinoids also have the ability to stimulate the sub-granular zone of the brain, which modulates activity of neurons. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is also especially effective in brain development. Scientists believe that CBD is what counteracts the memory loss, however short-lived, caused by consuming THC. In effect, CBD helps to boost memory and learning, without any side effects.

As the U.S. National Library of Medicine explains, “cannabinoids appear to be the only illicit drug whose capacity to produce increased hippocampal newborn neurons is positively correlated with its anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects.” As far as scientific findings go, this is extremely positive. It even suggests that marijuana might well be capable of reversing brain damage in some cases.

That is not all. According to the Scientific American, the ECS is what maintains homeostasis, or balance, within the body and all of its systems. It therefore suppresses neural activity and neurotoxicity wherever necessary. In spite of these findings, data remains insufficient to reach conclusive results. More study is underway, specifically into the various mechanisms of action at play.

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Ending the Lies

Many studies are now proving that cannabis causes the brain no harm, not even in those using weed heavily for a long time. It will make you forget in the short term, and then only immediately after using it. These memory lapses are temporary and really do not last long at all. There is no way that they alter brain chemistry in any harmful manner. It seems only to do well.

Back in 2015, the Journal of Neuroscience published a study finding “no association between marijuana use and standard volumetric or shape measurements of subcortical structures.” Studies are instead finding that marijuana improves both how we learn and how we process what we learn. None of this is bad news. In fact, cannabis only has positive long-term effects.

What is more, a study coming out of Maclean Hospital in 2016 proved cannabis actually enhances executive function of the adult brain. It investigated cognitive function before dispensing cannabis, and did so again three months later, six months later, and 12 months later consecutively. The study is groundbreaking, a first to study how cannabis affects cognitive performance.

Marijuana Delivery Santa Monica

A quick search for “weed delivery near me” in any search engine will return a number of options in Santa Monica and surrounds. It is fast, legal, and safe, and it will not impair cognitive ability in any way. Instead, ordering weed might make you smarter with improvements in long-term memory and learning. Perhaps, in the process, you might grow a few new and healthy neurons.

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Comments (11)

  1. Avatar for Susan Dorothy M Susan Dorothy M January 8, 2021 / 11:33 am / Reply

    Wow! Cannabis is just amazing! I cannot believe weed helps the brain. Thx for the info

  2. Avatar for Manuela Manuela January 8, 2021 / 7:32 pm / Reply

    WOW! I kinda thought it hurt the brain.. This is great to read

  3. Avatar for Gale Gale January 9, 2021 / 1:14 pm / Reply

    Nice! Lovely news

  4. Avatar for Dolly Dolly January 11, 2021 / 6:14 pm / Reply

    Super news, Great read. Thanks

  5. Avatar for Abby Abby January 12, 2021 / 10:48 pm / Reply

    Wow! Great news

  6. Avatar for Lara Lara January 13, 2021 / 11:43 pm / Reply

    Nice and great news!

  7. Avatar for Dale Dale January 14, 2021 / 7:36 pm / Reply

    Great, very happy to read this!!!

  8. Avatar for Ivy Ivy January 16, 2021 / 4:59 pm / Reply

    Nice! Good news

  9. Avatar for Dee Dee January 17, 2021 / 9:16 am / Reply

    Great article, thanks for the positivity

  10. Avatar for Winnie Winnie January 18, 2021 / 6:50 am / Reply

    Perfect news to spark the day, great read

  11. Avatar for Luisa Luisa January 21, 2021 / 6:58 pm / Reply

    Was really happy reading this, thanks for the good news

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