In what is being hailed as a breakthrough, Brazil has recently approved the use of hemp CBD products. This product is high in cannabidiol or CBD, which is believed to have great health benefits for its users. The product that has been approved by the Brazilian government is intended to be used to fight cancer. The CBD product is called Real Scientific Hemp Oil and can also be used in Brazil by those who suffer from other conditions including epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and even chronic pain. Now that it has been approved for the use of treating cancer, this just adds to the many healing benefits of the cannabis drug.
So far, the US does not have an approved alternative medicine to treat cancer. The Hemp based Oil therefore puts Brazil in a better position than the US when it comes to offering its citizens a safe and affordable treatment for a condition as prevalent and as life threatening as cancer. As far as its humanitarian objectives go, Brazil is setting a great example. The move shows that the Brazilian government has its people’s health and futures at heart.
The Federal Government Fights For Prescription Drugs
On the other hand, it has been argued that the US has a different agenda, to maintain large pharmaceutical companies and the money that they make by producing approved drugs – many of which have harmful side effects. In the US, one particular tactic being used to protect the pharmaceutical companies is to keep natural and cheaper alternatives off the market. Marijuana is safe and has never caused direct fatalities, but even so, the US government has fought continuously to keep marijuana criminalized, certainly at the federal level. The issue of rising deaths amongst users ofopioid pharmaceutically issued drugs is one that is vastly overlooked by the media but is a problem that is widespread across America. In recent years, several celebrities have lost their lives as a result of prescription drugs, including Michael Jackson, Brittany Murphy and Prince.
Responsible Management Of The Sale Of Hemp Products
Citizens of Brazil will now be able to purchase the Hemp oil products legally, provided that they have a valid prescription from their doctor and import documentation that is approved by the government. This is similar to the rules for purchasing Medical Marijuana California residents need to abide by if they want to place an order for medical marijuana delivery.
Public safety and peace of mind is at the forefront of the CBD and hemp strategy. As the growing industry for the natural plant has so far been widely unregulated, there are many growers who are known to use potentially toxic chemicals to protect their plants, from pesticides to herbicides. Whilst these chemicals may ensure that they get a better crop yield, it does not ensure that the hemp products are safe for consumers. Medical Marijuana Inc. who is the company at the forefront of the hemp legalization, works closely with an approved laboratory to ensure that all the products that are sold to the public have been validated to check their safety for the consumer and that the levels of CBD are safe.
In the US, medicine for the treatment of cancer is a profitable business, which means that offering citizens the chance of choosing marijuana or hemp products as an option in the treatment of cancer would be a danger to the financial health of the pharmaceutical companies. This is one of the main reasons why the medical system in the US still fights so hard against the use of hemp and the cannabis industry to tackle cancer. It would seem that no matter how much research is put into cannabis and it’s use as a treatment against cancer, it will still be met by resistance from the federal government.