Medical Marijuana Delivery Service for HIV/HCV Patients

medical marijuana delivery service

Marijuana has countless medical benefits that are still being discovered today. Persons use marijuana cannabis for pain relief, insomnia, diabetes and a number of other ailments. Marijuana treatment has also been linked to HIV and AIDS. Recent studies show that marijuana use can lower the risk of insulin resistance in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or Hepatitis C (HCV). As more and more research is conducted HIV/HCV patients and maybe other illnesses as well may find a viable treatment in marijuana. As more of these studies are done, the marijuana industry will grow. A medical marijuana delivery service will be very advantageous to these patients.

Lowering the Risk of Insulin Resistance

Reports from described findings from INSERM in France. According to the researchers “the results found were robust as they were confirmed in three sensitivity analyses, one of [these] also including patients with diabetes.” The team included M. Patrizia Carrieri, PhD and other team members. The information for the research was collected from 703 patients in France. All the patients had HIV and HCV. During the course of the study the patients did a few self-administered tests. Some of these tests included questionnaires. They asked the patients about consumption levels of items such as coffee and alcohol. And these questionnaires were done every 12 or 60 months. This helped researchers to keep track of the patient’s activity and monitor results.

medical marijuana delivery

The results indicated “at the first available visit, 54.6% reported no cannabis use in the previous 4 weeks, where as 20.6% reported occasional use, 11.7% regular use and 13.1% daily use.” A medical marijuana delivery service would have been quite useful to the patients. The researchers measured insulin levels using a homeostasis model that would measure the insulin resistance also known as HOMA-IR. 46% of the patients had a HOMA-IR that was more than 2.77 or over. And 30% was over 3.8.

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The researchers found that in a univariate analysis patients who used cannabis drugs had a smaller risk of insulin resistance. The study also showed that this was the case for persons who had several cups of coffee, if the patient was a female and if they had detectable HIV viral load.

Medical Marijuana Delivery Service for the Future

A medical marijuana delivery service will definitely help patients with HIV/HCV diseases in the future. It will make it more convenient for them to get cannabis drugs and treatment to keep their illness under control. Though this research on insulin resistance has provided much needed knowledge, there is more work to be done. The researchers also had this to say, “The benefits of these products for patients concerned by increased risk of insulin and diabetes need to be evaluated in clinical research and practice.”

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Comments (6)

  1. Avatar for pot lover pot lover March 28, 2015 / 6:08 am / Reply

    It has great impact on the HIV patients. Thanks for awaking us. Great post//

  2. Avatar for james james March 28, 2015 / 10:26 am / Reply

    I am looking for this declaration. That Marijuana has positive impact on the HIV and HCV.
    Thanks for Good information..

  3. Avatar for Mark Taylor Mark Taylor March 28, 2015 / 10:40 am / Reply

    Very authentic information and very necessary news also. This blog works for awaking people and positive impact of Marijuana..

  4. Avatar for Ravi paul Ravi paul March 29, 2015 / 6:47 am / Reply

    Fast and quick service s needed. I am satisfied with their service. Thanks a lot..

  5. Avatar for pot smoker pot smoker March 29, 2015 / 2:45 pm / Reply

    Great Research. 700+ patient is not small amount. The result is preferable I think.

    Thanks for sharing..

  6. Avatar for Adam Smith Adam Smith April 2, 2015 / 9:59 am / Reply

    After 700+ patient interview shows how authentic the information are. Great service dear.. Thanks a lot 🙂

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