Glaucoma is one of the many diseases in which medical marijuana plays a chief role in helping patients. With the sales of medical marijuana increasing in the states like Colorado, Washington, California, Oregon and Alaska; most think the procession will soon been legalized throughout the country. It is easier than ever to receive a medical recommendation, for medical marijuana if you are a Glaucoma patient. This can be done without the consultation of an ophthalmologist. But the bigger question; does medical marijuana really works in treating glaucoma?
What is glaucoma?
It is a condition of eye in which the optic nerve gets damaged over time and thus reduces the vision of eye. This can also lead to blindness over time if it left untreated; or if it is not treated with the proper medication. Glaucoma effects the patient when pressure leads and damages the optic nerve. In some cases Glaucoma increases more than normal pressure and that is known as intra ocular pressure (IOP). As per medical research, the only well-known way of controlling glaucoma at present is to lower the levels of IOP. The most common treatment of glaucoma that ophthalmologists offer, includes eye drops and surgery. When it comes to choosing between surgery and medical marijuana, some Glaucoma patients find Medical Marijuana a safer option than, having to go through surgical procedures.
Is Medical Marijuana for Glaucoma an effective treatment?
Trying medical marijuana for treating this optic nerve related diseases is something you should consult with your doctor. Marijuana is now becoming a very common medicine in treating glaucoma. Before choosing Medical Marijuana, consult your ophthalmologist and see if introducing medical marijuana in your glaucoma treatment can delay or even avoid, the surgical procedures. You can start with looking up if your state permits the use of medical marijuana and see if medical marijuana is legal in your state. There are many medical marijuana specialists who can suggest doses of this drug, for glaucoma treatment. You can consult your ophthalmologist and your medical marijuana specialists when considering using medical marijuana for glaucoma. Medical Dispensaries in your state, generally have medical marijuana in the right dosages, which contain a pure form, displaying the proper amount of cannabinoids and THC, which can help treat glaucoma, by reducing the IOP.
Medical researches suggest using medical marijuana for Glaucoma.
The idea of using medical marijuana for the treatment of glaucoma actually dates back to the 1970s. Studies were conducted and many came to conclusion that the patients who were undergoing the treatment of marijuana with glaucoma had, successfully reduced their IOP. In addition to the positive conclusion of this research, additional research was carried out, which concluded that active ingredient in marijuana known as THC was the reason behind the lowering of IOP ( intra ocular pressure) in patients. This research received the support of National Eye Institute which is an integral part of federal National institute of Health. This research resulted in the ultimate conclusion that when marijuana was smoked, taken as pill or, injected directly in the body, marijuana lowered the IOP levels in Glaucoma patients.
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