Medical Marijuana Regimen for Patients with Kidney Stones

One of the common diseases known to inflict pain in a patient’s body is kidney stones. Many women and men suffer from this condition. Additionally, there is an increasing number of these patients every year. This has largely been contributed by the diets people take nowadays. In the United States, about 10% of the population will have a kidney stone in the course of their life. It has also been reported that over a million people make trips to hospitals for kidney stone related complications. Owing to this state of affairs, a number of patients have turned to the use of medical marijuana to treat kidney stones. The latest buzz in medicine is centered on the proposition that medical cannabis can treat this condition. The only question has been: what is the effectiveness of the method?

Kidney Stones! What are they?
Well, a proper application of the benefits of marijuana requires a good knowledge of the condition that needs intervention. Ideally, kidney stones result from an increased content of crystal-forming substances such as oxalate, uric acid and calcium. They become solids when they cannot be diluted anymore by the fluid contained in urine. Kidney stones also forms when urine does not contain enough substances that prevent such crystals from sticking together. This kidney problem can be caused by high sodium diets, dehydration and a poor lifestyle.

So, how do you tell that you have kidney stones and that you can consider visiting a cannabis dispensary for treatment? Here are common kidney stones symptoms: acute pain in the groin area, back, ribs and/or lower abdomen, Nausea, a brown, cloudy, red or brown urine color, high frequency of urinating. Having encountered these symptoms, some of the patients have turned to the medical use of marijuana for a solution and apparently, there have been positive results.

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Medical Benefits of Marijuana on Kidney Stones
Kidney stones illness is a serious condition and may require surgery in some cases. There are quite a number of options to address the situation including allowing the stones to go through the urinary tract with the help of large intakes of water. However, in recent times, uses of medical marijuana have extended to the treatment of this condition. Cannabis is one of the home remedy used by patients in the treatment of kidney stones. There are medical professionals who are now prescribing medical cannabis for the treatment of this kidney condition. Even though it is an unconventional approach, it has worked and many now believe that it is a viable regimen.

The main relief through Medical Marijuana
The administration of treatment in every kind of illness is aimed at dealing with certain signs and symptoms. For medical uses of marijuana, the focus has been in the treatment of pain and the management of nausea amongst kidney stones patients. This condition leads to back pain and owing to the pain relieving characteristics of medical cannabis, healing can be attained through its proper use. Other benefits can be realized in the event that the patient feels nauseated. California medical marijuana dispensaries particularly in San Francisco have reported patients who have used marijuana for the treatment of kidney stones. According to one Aden Patrick, patients have reported positive response from the harsh side effects of the condition after taking medical marijuana. Ideally, most patients have opted for natural home remedies and apparently, marijuana is taking the lead among these solutions. Cannabis is helpful in the treatment of kidney stones owing to its analgesic properties and deals with pain just like the common aspirin would do. It has muscle-relaxing properties that are very useful to the strained urinary tubes. With a decreased number of spasms, patients are most likely going to experiene less pain.

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Comments (9)

  1. Avatar for Rews Rews November 8, 2016 / 10:46 am / Reply

    Very necessary post. people suffer a lot for this kidney stone. When it turns into critical stage it become very dangerous. This post enhancing so much information and helpful observation.

  2. Avatar for Clare F Clare F November 10, 2016 / 7:23 am / Reply

    patients who have used marijuana for the treatment of kidney stones they get relief from this disease. I strongly support Marijuana for kidney stone. I have experience.

  3. Avatar for King Lech King Lech November 10, 2016 / 10:47 am / Reply

    Kidney stones can be dangerous, if don’t treat early. I’ve read Marijuana is beneficial. Well written.

  4. Avatar for Richii Richii November 10, 2016 / 7:26 pm / Reply

    One of my family members suffered from kidney stone. He used Medical marijuana and benefited tremendously from the marijuana.

  5. Avatar for AB Zimmy AB Zimmy November 10, 2016 / 8:32 pm / Reply

    Marijuana has analgesic properties that is why it is helpful in the treatment of kidney stones .

  6. Avatar for mark stuart mark stuart November 10, 2016 / 10:32 pm / Reply

    Of course it works. I am super satisfied with the medical marijuana Products.

  7. Avatar for S. Jackey S. Jackey November 16, 2016 / 12:33 pm / Reply

    Marijuana is very effective with kidney stones. Physicians often suggest this. I firmly believe people are waking up to the benefits

  8. Avatar for Anney Anney November 16, 2016 / 10:10 pm / Reply

    This is very helpful post. People should know about the helpful effects of medical marijuana.

  9. Avatar for Sanchay Sanchay November 16, 2016 / 11:04 pm / Reply

    I am enjoying the blog. Hot topics about marijuana are discussed here daily. Thanks Pot valet.

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