Lambs Breath Strain
Lambs Breath is also sometimes referred to as Lamb’s bread. This Sativa dominant strain was rumored to have been smoked by none other than Bob Marley, allegedly his favorite strain. The exact Sativa to Indica ratio is unknown, but it is said to be 95% Sativa dominant. The main characteristics attributed to this strain are that it is uplifting and energizing with immediate effects. It is a very happy and creative strain. The THC content of this strain is relatively high, being in the range of 16-21%. It can be distinguished by its bright color and it amazing amount of THC crystals. The genetic lineage of this plant remains a mystery but it is said to have originated in Jamaica. Lambs Breath has basically no bodily effects which can be a good or a bad thing depending on the disposition of the smoker. It is a good social strain and bound to induce positive vibes in all those that inhale. It is perfect for morning use as it is highly energizing, and has a fruity taste and aroma. The effects are short-lived, finishing within 90 minutes in most cases. A very fun strain that still leaves users able to function well with little heavy effects. But not suitable for first-time users.
Why do Patients Use Lambs Breath?
Lambs Breath is not a very common strain of medical marijuana, being more of a recreational drug. Even then, it is not all that common on the recreational market. However, it does have its uses. It is ideal for the treatment of depression and lack of motivation in general. It can be good for those who need a boost to solve problems, creative or logical. It is a little touch and goes with anxiety, as many sufferers are not very well grounded and with nobody effects Lambs Breath might be too much. It has been known to exacerbate symptoms. Side effects can include hallucinations and paranoia in larger doses, the effects being close to psychedelic. When prescribing marijuana for mental conditions the effects can largely depend on the individual. Some patients do use this strain to treat glaucoma, nausea, and migraines.
Medical Uses of Lambs Breath
Side-Effects of Lambs Breath
Dry Mouth
Dry Eyes
Information about Lambs Breath
Around 95% Sativa, 5% Indica
Genetic lineage of Lambs Breath unknown.
Stoned Meter
Lambs Breath has a rating of 8.7 on the stoned meter.
THC Level
THC levels of Lambs Breath are in the range of 16-21%
Breeder of Lambs Breath unknown.
Flowering Time
The flowering time between 9-10 weeks.
Ideal Growing Method
Ideal Growing method of Lambs Breath unknown.
Plant Height
Lambs Breath is a plant that grows between 3-5 feet.
Lambs Breath generates a moderate yield of up to 400 grams per square meter indoors.
Growing Skills
Lambs Breath is an easy plant to grow.
Potential Problems
No known problems associated with Lambs Breath.