Santa Monica Hosts this Year’s 420 Games

santa monica

The 420 Games have announced 2018 dates and the activities that are planned. This year Santa Monica will host the third annual 420 games. The 420 games are scheduled for the weekend of March 31st and April 1st at the Santa Monica Pier. There will be many activities ranging in variety and levels, from famous professional athletes to fun walks and runs. More than a hundred marijuana brands will come together for this event and the two days are set to be a weekend of fun competitive sports and promotion.

Jim McAlpine, the founder of the 420 Games, created the games with a vision to promote cannabis as a healthy plant and to dissolve negative stereotypical views associated with the ‘stoner stereotype.’ He says that it is his hope that these games provide an opportunity for athletes and health enthusiasts to unite as a community and take part in various events and activities. Included in this year’s Games is a 4.2 mile fun run or walk in order to raise awareness for cannabis and to promote a sense of respect for the plant. His reasoning for the 4.2 mile length is beyond the obvious significant 4.2 number, he says that traditionally races tend to be 3.2 or 5 miles so the 4.2 mile fun run creates opportunity for participants to quite literally go “the extra mile” for the plant.

The Santa Monica Pier is expected to welcome thousands of people during the weekend and the run will fall on both Saturday and Sunday. Registration and check in for the run will commence at 9 am and the shotgun will signal the start of the race at 10am. The run route is a beautiful look beginning in Santa Monica and takes the participants through to Venice Beach before leading them back to Santa Monica. There will be many other sporting events taking place throughout both days.

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On the official 420 Games website, it is stated that the 420 Games “were established to show that cannabis users are NOT lazy, unmotivated or “stoners” and to destigmitize the millions who use cannabis in a healthy and responsible lifestyle. The events and games are held to dissolve the stereotypes that have been promoted during the time that cannabis was strictly prohibited.

McAlpine uses cannabis mainly before he exercises or performs in any sport. He has said that using cannabis helps his mind to attain a sharper level of focus and tune out unnecessary distractions. Cannabis is also used by some after a workout as part of a recovery routine. There are reports that cannabis has helped athletes to reduce inflammation and to reduce muscle pain, which can assist in preventing injuries from taking place.  However McAlpine was not always such an open advocator of cannabis, McAlpine’s execute position prevented him from being open about his practises until 2014, when he decided to become an open advocate for the plant.

McAlpine’s intention is to create a festival environment that was in stark contrast to the typical ‘stoner’ type festivals. He then created the 420 Games, first taking place at the Golden Gate Park in San Fransisco.

The event took off and has since developed into a tour across the country. The 2018 tour begins in Santa Monica on the 31st of March and will travel across the nation later in the year.

The reason for the continued allowance and success of the 420 Games is that cannabis is not permitted to be smoked in the site area. The purpose of the 420 Games is to promote education and to promote a healthy view of cannabis. Cannabis is used by many as part of responsible health routine and many users want to break away from the stoner stereotype. Furthermore, many people who could possibly benefit greatly from using cannabis do not consume the plant due to the miseducation and stereotypes that have been built around the plant. McAlpine has said that there are many Americans who have incorporated Cannabis into their daily lives and are benefiting from positive results. The 420 Games are designed to spread positivity and information about cannabis and the potential benefits that the plant has to offer.

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Comments (1)

  1. Avatar for James. F. James. F. March 27, 2018 / 9:47 pm / Reply

    Its a great initiative to spread positivism and information about cannabis and the potential benefits that the plant has to offer.

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