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7 Effective Natural Benefits of Marijuana for Skin Care

Your skin is under constant attack. The prevalence of skin issues in today’s society has never been higher. People everywhere are suffering from acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea, and many more. Our indoor lifestyles and bad dietary habits are taking their toll on our skin, and then there are attacks from heavy metals, contaminants, and other toxic, poisonous substances in the air, even from the sun itself. Visit a Weed Dispensary Treating many skin conditions requires swallowing a cocktail of prescription drugs with scary side effects. Even just maintaining a skin care regimen involves the use of some or other chemical. Nothing appears safe anymore, but then cannabis came along. Scientists are proving marijuana so beneficial to skin health that it should, and fast is, becoming a standard ingredient in skincare products. Here is why: 1. Double-Pronged Healing There are many ways to consume marijuana. You can smoke it, drink it, eat, …

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