Cannabis Cultivation

Marijuana Cash has been used to Build The Complex Music Venue in Salt Lake City

The popular live event and music venue in Salt Lake City, Utah, is currently being federally investigated for money laundering, illegal cannabis business, and illegal marijuana sales and distribution. Monday, October 15th, the authorities released an indictment against the promoters of The Complex in Utah, Salt Lake City. According to the indictment, the FBI has based this indictment on the grounds that the concert business has been run with the profits from an illegal marijuana distribution business. Authorities are accusing the promoters of using at least $1 million from their illegal marijuana business. The indictment consists of 13-counts and is made against three individuals that are believed to be behind the illegal cannabis business of distributing and selling marijuana across California to Utah. The indictment specifies that the illegal operation ran from April 2007 to December 2013. An approximate amount of 2 and a half thousand pounds of cannabis was …

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