Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Latest Poll Shows Majority of Americans Supporting Legal Cannabis

In the United States, the vast majority of people support the legalization of medical marijuana. More importantly and now confirmed undoubtedly, more than half want recreational pot legal, as well. These are the figures gathered by a new poll, recently released by Analytics of Rochester, New York, and Harris Insights. The poll, conducted online, surveyed more than 2,000 adults from all lifestyles. This latest poll found 85 percent of participants demanding full legalization of medical marijuana, with 57 percent of Americans Supporting Legal Cannabis for recreational use too. The data gathered found specific generations divided on the topic of recreational weed. Those younger than 34-years of age are predominantly in favor of it at 67 percent, compared to the 38 percent supportive in those 65-years or older. Back in January, the Pew Research Center conducted its own poll and found results to be very similar. In the Pew poll, 61 …

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