marijuana cancer

Medical Marijuana for Treating Bipolar Disorder

  Medical Marijuana for Treating Bipolar Disorder Medical marijuana is often used to address high levels of pain in different kinds of illnesses and for patients with serious problems like cancer and other such problems. However, recent evidence suggests that medical marijuana can be used to treat neurological disorders as well. Research conducted by several institutions has shown that medical marijuana has a positive effect on patients suffering from depression, anxiety disorders and other problems. It can also be used to treat bipolar disorders. What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder is when you alternate between extreme depressive phases and elation without warning. It affects your energy levels, mood, and your activity levels to an extent that day-to-day tasks can become very difficult. This disorder shouldn’t be taken lightly. In many cases, people just dismiss it as being moody and don’t take steps to treat it. That can harm your health …

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