Marijuana Gears

How to Properly Clean your Gear ?

We all love the enjoyment that comes along with smoking a packed bowl at the end of a hard day.  However, we also know the frustration of running out of clean cannabis gear.  Smoking out of a cannapipe that has not been properly cleaned or sanitized can lead to a world of problems.  Most commonly, people who don’t keep their gear cleaned face the risk of lung infection as well as other health problems.  So grab your pipes, bongs, chillums and clutches and get ready to do some much needed spring cleaning. Here are some of the best tools at your disposal for properly cleaning and sanitizing your favorite marijuana smoking gear: Rubbing Alcohol Rubbing alcohol has been used for many things from first aid to tough cleaning.  However, rubbing alcohol can be any cannabis lover’s best friend.  Rubbing alcohol literally grabs onto any residue living deep in your pipe …

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