Medical Dispensary

How to Administer CBD Dosages to Infants

As cannabidiol, or CBD, continues to make headline news for its ability to treat a myriad of childhood diseases effectively, without the side effects of conventional drug therapies, more and more parents are starting to take notice. Determined to find safe ways of helping their infants, many are now administering CBD to help their infants find relief from an array of debilitating health issues. Science Proves CBD Safe Research reveals that CBD has an incredibly high number of medicinal properties. Science already finds it a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-epileptic, anti-anxiety, antidepressant, anti-ischemic, anti-tumor, antibacterial, analgesic, antifungal, and anti- just about everything else. Sadly, due to restrictive laws surrounding the illegality of cannabis, clinical trials are rare and data is scarce, but this is fast changing. Scientists have been analyzing the safety and efficacy of CBD in infants in many studies. One particular study, a year in length, enrolled 214 kids with …

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