Marijuana Legalization Craze: Many More States Legalizing Different Marijuana Uses

The history of marijuana in the United States is somewhat an interesting story, especially looking at how things have turned out in recent times. Marijuana legalization is just happening in different parts of the United States and recent entrants in the list have come in with a loud bang. While some States have just started with the legalization of medical marijuana, others have taken it a notch higher by passing laws to warrant the use of recreational marijuana. After the 2016 election, there were a total of 28 states in America that had passed medical cannabis laws. Of these 28 states, eight of them passed marijuana legalization for recreational use for adults aged 21 years and above.  For those who have taken time to study about the reforms on marijuana in the United States, 2016 has been a somewhat successful year for all marijuana lovers.

A lot of pressure is now mounting on the federal government regarding marijuana issues and it wouldn’t be a surprise to see the national authorities have a second thought on marijuana legalization.  The United States has fought with this issue since the 17th century and seeing positive trends in modern times is such a huge development. Ideally, there were no other reforms that were passed by so many voters in the 2016 ballots than for marijuana. Out of the five states that sought the decriminalization of recreational marijuana, only Arizona failed in its attempt to do so. That means there other four including Maine, California, Nevada and Massachusetts saw the successful marijuana legalization for recreational uses.

See also  Order Medical Marijuana Online in Ohio: Legalization A Possibility

What Information does Marijuana Legalization Send?

So, is it a case of the people versus the federal government and many people have now realized the benefits of using marijuana.. It is a cognitively discordant time for the opponents of marijuana legalization and the war on drugs. Reflecting on these unprecedented wins for marijuana, and looking at what the federal government has been doing to stop such developments, opponents in America have parted lines on this issue. The society seems to be tearing apart over marijuana, as it was indeed a wedge issue in the 2016 election.

President Obama foresaw this revolution and said that the federal government would not succeed in the war against marijuana if California and other states decriminalized it. Apparently that happened in 2016 and for sure, it’s going to be a trying moment for the US’ federal government. Marijuana legalization is becoming common across America and soon, prohibition will be a thing of the past. While there are fears about what a Donald Trump presidency would do, at least he was quoted saying that the issue of cannabis legalization should be left in the control of individual states. Citizens can only wait, to see what will unfold in the near future.

During his campaigns, Trump consistently said that he would respect every law established by individual states on the issue of marijuana legalization. However, his rhetoric on wider criminal justice matters has been somewhat unfriendly. His close associates have over the period of campaigns been opposed to reforms on marijuana laws. Therefore, the latest developments on marijuana law might be at stake. Nonetheless, the proponents of marijuana law reforms are committed to see a successful implementation of the laws as defined by the respective states’ governments. Again, there is a good sign that support for reforms on drug policy are increasing among the Republicans. We are seeing this in the four states that passed laws on medical marijuana – they also voted republicans to office. Notably, the development on marijuana legalization experienced in 2016 was such a huge step in the right direction, to end prohibition across the United States.

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Comments (8)

  1. Avatar for jack jack November 15, 2016 / 9:01 am / Reply

    This is a wonderful blog and keep the blogs coming, you guys are the very best and I cant wait until you come to Florida !!!

  2. Avatar for Adam Davidson Adam Davidson November 16, 2016 / 11:24 am / Reply

    People know about the positive effects of marijuana. Full Marijuana Legalization is very close to coming. Hopefully it will happen soon.

  3. Avatar for S. Jackey S. Jackey November 16, 2016 / 12:11 pm / Reply

    successful implementation of marijuana legalization is necessary. More people are discussing Marijuana legalization in almost every state.

  4. Avatar for Anney Anney November 16, 2016 / 10:00 pm / Reply

    YES. California, Nevada and Massachusetts saw the successful marijuana legalization for recreational uses. Positive things are happening.

  5. Avatar for Jenny Jenny November 16, 2016 / 11:21 pm / Reply

    It is high time to end prohibition across the United States

  6. Avatar for Rocky L. Rocky L. November 16, 2016 / 11:42 pm / Reply

    Yeah. Its a legalization craze. Marijuana legalization will happen soon, free Marijuana.

  7. Avatar for AB Merkaz AB Merkaz November 17, 2016 / 2:01 am / Reply

    Yes, things are more comfortable than before. Hopeful about the Legalization

  8. Avatar for willamy saraujo willamy saraujo November 19, 2016 / 1:13 am / Reply

    We are seeing this in the four states that passed laws on medical marijuana. Lets see what happen next.

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