Tips for a First Time Marijuana User

Marijuana has had a dubious reputation in the past, and while people have become more aware of it in the recent years, many are intimidated by the drug. There’s a lot of misinformation out there so people find it difficult to determine whether marijuana is right for them. Here are some tips that a first time marijuana user or a person who wants to try marijuana medication and are hesitant to.

Before you purchase marijuana, it’s important to do you research. There are many reliable sources on the Internet that provide authentic information on different strains, forms, effects, etc.; this helps you make a more well-informed decision. A brief search on Google will reveal a large collection of articles, videos, and infographics that you can freely access to get more information. You can also browse through blogs and articles on our website to know more. Here are some of the points you need to research before you commit to a purchase:

  • Types of strains and subspecies of marijuana, including different types of indica, sativa, and hybrids.
  • Different forms of consumables available, including flowers, oils, edibles, shatter, etc.
  • THC and CBD and their effects.
  • Levels of THC and CBD in different strains and types of marijuana.
  • The effect of different forms of marijuana on your specific medical condition.

How to Purchase Marijuana?
Once you’ve determined what kind of marijuana you require and have all the documentation, license, and prescriptions with you, you need to think about purchase. There are several ways you can go about it. Many people walk into their local collective, talk to the sales team, browse through the available products, and make a purchase in the dispensary. While that is a good plan, some people are hesitant to do so. Not many want to purchase marijuana in public and would prefer the privacy that online purchase offers.

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Online dispensaries are quite reliable and will deliver your medication directly to your doorstep in unmarked packages. If you don’t want your neighbors to know, you can purchase your medication from a discreet online service. Here are some things you must keep in mind if you intend to purchase marijuana online:

  • Make sure that the website is legal and legitimate. A website that asks for ids, prescriptions, and permits, operates within the confines of the law and therefore will sell legal products.
  • The website will verify information before they accept you as a member of their collective. This can take some time and until the verification is complete, you won’t gain access to marijuana.
  • You can ask for assistance from customer service. Some websites might even offer a live-chat feature to ensure you get a quick response.

Best Ways to Consume It
Once you have your marijuana, you should determine when and how you’ll consume it. It’s a good idea to start slow and choose the mildest way to consume marijuana, which is through smoke. A joint is the best way to start because it’s easy, especially if someone teaches you how to roll the cannabis. You can also try smoking through the bowl. All you need to do is grind the marijuana, place it on the rim of the bowl, and light it.

That will produce enough smoke for you to inhale so all you need to do is breathe it in and hold the smoke for a short period of time. This will help you experience your first marijuana high safely.  Other forms of marijuana like edibles and shatters can be too intense for first time users and some people may end up consuming a little too much.

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If you do consume more than you can handle, don’t panic; try to keep a level head. You might feel paranoid and panicked but bear in mind that it’s impossible to overdose when you’re on weed. All you need to do is put your marijuana away, sit back, and just drift for a while. Eventually, you’ll come down from the high and find yourself back in your regular mindset.

What You Can Expect
So what can you expect from your first experience with marijuana? It largely depends on the type of marijuana you smoke. Indica has comparatively high levels of THC so you’ll feel high, lazy, and relaxed. Experienced marijuana smokers will only consume indica in the evening or night time unless they intend to laze around during daytime. Sativa has low levels of THC and high levels of CBD. You’ll feel energetic and creative so it’s an ideal day-time medication. Here are some other things you can expect from marijuana:

  • You’ll feel hungry.
  • Your eyes and mouth will become dry.
  • The effect will last for about two hours.
  • Your perception of time will slow down.

If you choose the right marijuana, you’ll also get relief from any pain, anxiety, sleeplessness, etc, you might have. If you don’t feel the effects, feel free to smoke a little more to get the desired results.

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Comments (1)

  1. Avatar for michael michael March 1, 2017 / 3:01 pm / Reply

    Anyone that is trying out medical marijuana for the first time should def a different variety of strains to see how it feels. I would also start to notice any first time effects from using it. It def stopped getting any kind of prescriptions after I got my card because I didn’t have to worry about horrible side effects.

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