Licensed and Legal Dispensary Partners

Where do Pot Valet’s Licensed Dispensary Partners Deliver?

Pot Valet does not collaborate with just anyone. We only work with dispensaries licensed to operate in a specific area, those prioritizing consumer safety and utmost quality. In this way, we have a large delivery network that spans much of California, including Los Angeles, Santa Monica, San Fernando,  Northridge, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Inglewood, El segundo, Downtown Los Angeles, and many others, and we are continually expanding our reach across the state.

Check if Pot Valet delivers to your area:

To find out if Pot Valet currently services your area or is still expanding there, click the button and browse a full list of all the cities where we deliver. We are collaborating with new dispensaries, once licensed, to grow our delivery network across California and beyond, but if you live out of reach for now, simply meet us at the closest area to you, and follow our social media to receive expansion notifications.

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Licensed Dispensaries Information:

  • Herbarium:
  • Relief CCR:
  • The Clink:
  • Herbarium Botanicals License

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